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ASMI WAIMH-España y Conecta Perinatal son dos entidades comprometidas con el bienestar psiperinatal y familiar. ASMI WAIMH-España se enfoca en la promoción de la salud mental infantil y el apego desde la perspectiva de la Asociación Mundial para la Salud Mental Infantil (WAIMH), mientras que Conecta Perinatal concentra sus esfuerzos en la atención integral durante el periodo perinatal.
Ambas asociaciones se han unido para organizar el Congreso Internacional 2025, un evento de gran relevancia en el ámbito psiperinatal y familiar. Este congreso busca crear un espacio de intercambio de conocimientos, experiencias y prácticas entre profesionales, investigadores y familias, con el objetivo de promover la salud mental y el bienestar desde la concepción hasta los primeros años de vida.

Información de Contacto

Welcome to the 1st International CONECTA PERINATAL Congress – ASMI WAIMH-SPAIN

Welcome to the European Congress “Families and upbringings: Current Crossroads” co-organized by CONECTA PERINATAL and ASMI WAIMH-Spain.

This congress is part of the desire to care for the mental health of mothers, fathers, babies, boys and girls from preconception and aims to facilitate meetings, scientific communication, interdisciplinary exchanges and the development of regional and international solidarity alliances between entities. of users, public services or private entities dedicated to the care of maternal, paternal, child and family mental health.

Pascual Palau Subiela – President of Asmi Waimh-Spain and Conecta Perinatal









¿Are you ready?

Register for this congress and access a place to share experiences from the scientific, social and interdisciplinary relations point of view, in addition to attending important conferences given by the great references we have at the European level.

Open enrollment.

Registration June 1, 2024

Enter the registration portal

What does the congress platform offer?

From this platform you can:

Sign up through the form, select the type of subscription to the conferences you need and how you would like it.

You will find the two simultaneous broadcast rooms where the presentations will take place. They will be active on the days of the event.

You will have the option, if you wish, to have a visible profile in the list of attendees indicating the profession in order to generate communication with other professionals through the networking section.

You will be able to view all the speakers with a brief description of their work, as well as, for those who wish, their contact information available to attendees. You will also be able to see at what times and rooms they will give their presentations.

Access the section where you can see the submission regulations so you can send the works

Check the schedule of the sessions to know when and in which room the activities are taking place

If you wish, you can have access to share experiences and contact with other attendees at the conference through an open chat for those registered who wish to have their profile accessible,
It is a great opportunity to share experiences since there will be many professionals from various countries

#psiperinatalitycongress #european



1. Challenges in Parenting Family Diversity:

Family Diversity: We will address the diversity of family structures and how they influence parenting.
Technology and Parenting: How does technology affect the relationship between parents and children?
Work-Family Balance: We will analyze strategies to reconcile work and family responsibilities.

2. Health and Family Wellbeing:

Maternal and Child Health: We will examine advances in obstetrics, neonatology and pediatrics, assisted reproduction…
Mental Health: How does parents’ mental health impact parenting and vice versa? What strategies and programs for the prevention of perinatal, childhood and parental psychopathology are promoted in different parts of the world?

3. Social and Cultural Perspectives

Anthropology and Ethnography: We will analyze cultural differences in parenting and ways of caring for families.
Legal Issues: What legal challenges do families face today?
Architecture and Family Spaces: We will explore how home design affects family life and we will listen to proposals to take care of it.

4. Education and Child Development

Speech therapy and psychomotor skills: Tools for communicative and motor development.
Education 0-6: Psychological and pedagogical strategies for the care of babies, children and families.
Formation of Values: The role of the family in the transmission of values ​​in different places around the world.

#connectperinatal #spanishspeakingalliance #mentalhealth #childhood

Connect Perinatal

The Spanish-speaking and international alliance on Perinatal and Family Mental Health

Promoted by its creation by ASMI WAIMH Spain in June 2020, the Spanish-Speaking Alliance for Perinatal and Family Mental Health “CONECTA PERINATAL” is part of the dynamics of the World Alliance for Maternal Mental Health (https:// globalalliancematernalmentalhealth.org) to which it has been a member since August 2020, and in close union with the Francophone Alliance for perinatal mental health (https://alliance-psyperinat.org), the Maternal Mental Health Alliance:  ( https://maternalmentalhealthalliance.org) and the Canadian Alliance.

The Spanish-speaking Alliance for Perinatal and Family Mental Health “CONECTA PERINATAL”, which currently brings together more than 30 Spanish and Spanish-American institutions, aims to bring together the largest number of national and international Spanish-speaking associations of users, scientific societies and socio-health entities. non-profit organization to continuously promote authentic prioritization of public policies related to the perinatal period, and, especially, its psychological and psychosocial dimensions, in order to achieve coordinated and excellent health and social care, caring of perinatal and family mental health.

CONECTA PERINATAL aspires to promote the development of adapted and sustained care for families with the awareness and union of all professional caregivers of that period, facilitating an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional union. ASMI WAIMH Spain is the Spanish affiliate of the Word Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH).

Congreso reconocido de Interés Sanitario

Conecta Perinatal Institutions

These are the institutions that make up Conecta Perinatal.

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These are the entities that are supporting this congress. Our most sincere thanks to each of them

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