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ASMI WAIMH-España y Conecta Perinatal son dos entidades comprometidas con el bienestar psiperinatal y familiar. ASMI WAIMH-España se enfoca en la promoción de la salud mental infantil y el apego desde la perspectiva de la Asociación Mundial para la Salud Mental Infantil (WAIMH), mientras que Conecta Perinatal concentra sus esfuerzos en la atención integral durante el periodo perinatal.
Ambas asociaciones se han unido para organizar el Congreso Internacional 2025, un evento de gran relevancia en el ámbito psiperinatal y familiar. Este congreso busca crear un espacio de intercambio de conocimientos, experiencias y prácticas entre profesionales, investigadores y familias, con el objetivo de promover la salud mental y el bienestar desde la concepción hasta los primeros años de vida.

Información de Contacto

Communications and Posters

General regulations for the presentation of works

Guidelines for Paper Submission

Number of Authors:

  1. The maximum number of authors per paper is limited to 6, including the main author and/or presenter.
  2. Please provide the name and email address of the author who will present the paper.

Conference Registration:

  1. To submit a paper, at least one of the authors must be registered for the conference.
  2. Each registered person may submit a maximum of 2 paper proposals. Their name cannot appear on more than two papers.

Paper Proposal Submission:

  1. The proposal requires submitting an abstract for each paper with a maximum length of 300 words.
  2. Include the names of the authors and the email address of the main presenting author.

Presentation Certificates:

  1. For each presentation, certificates of paper presentation will be issued for all registered authors.
  2. The names of the author and co-authors must be listed with both last names preceded by the first name.
  3. The order in which the authors are listed will be used for the subsequent editing of the certificates to be issued at the conference, as well as in publications.

Paper Submission:

  1. Papers should be submitted to the following email: info@congresopsiperinatalidad.com.

Publication Permissions:

  1. Authors of keynote speeches, symposium presentations, and free communications, unless expressly stated otherwise, give permission to CONECTA PERINATAL and ASMI WAIMH-Spain for their work to be published on both entities' websites and in the conference proceedings book.
  2. Authors explicitly waive their economic copyright, while fully preserving their intellectual rights in both print and digital formats.

Text Length:

  1. The texts of the keynote speeches should not exceed 3000 words.
  2. The texts of the free communications should not exceed 1500 words.
  3. They must be submitted by December 15, 2024, to info@congresopsiperinatalidad.com.

Style Guidelines:

  1. It is recommended to follow the latest editions of APA (American Psychological Association) / Vancouver style guidelines.

Instructions for Video Presentation Submission

  1. Video Submission:

    • The author will send a video file in MP4 format, with a maximum duration of 10 minutes, presenting their work. This will be sent via WeTransfer.
  2. Presentation with Visual Support:

    • The presentation can be supported by a PowerPoint presentation, so that the video shows the presentation and the presenter's voice can be heard simultaneously.
  3. Presentation without Visual Support:

    • If no visual support is used, the video will show the presenter.
  4. Inquiries to the Authors:

    • Congress attendees will have an email address to send inquiries to the authors. It is necessary to provide an email address for this purpose.
  5. Publication in NACIENDO Journal:

    • The text of the oral communication, with a maximum length of 1500 words, could be published in the NACIENDO journal, provided it meets the publication guidelines. These guidelines will be made available to the communication proposals.
    • Authors must send the complete work (adapted to these guidelines) to info@congresopsiperinatalidad.com.

Instructions for Poster Submission

  1. Submission for Evaluation:

    • Posters must be sent in PDF format in their final version for evaluation via WeTransfer.
  2. Video Submission after Acceptance:

    • Once accepted, a video file in MP4 format, with a maximum duration of 5 minutes, must be submitted.
  3. Formatting Guidelines:

    • It is recommended to follow the latest editions of the APA (American Psychological Association) / Vancouver guidelines.
  4. Preferred Poster Structure:

    • Introduction
    • Objectives and/or Hypotheses
    • Justification
    • Method (design type; sample; instruments)
    • Results
    • Discussion and/or Conclusions
  5. Dimensions:

    • 0.90 m wide x 1.20 m high (vertical format). DIN A0.
  6. Recognition:

    • The best poster presented at the congress will be recognized with a special mention.

Key Dates

  • Deadline for submission of paper proposals (with abstract): December 15, 2024.

  • Deadline for submission of free communications and poster proposals: January 5, 2025.

(There is a possibility that both papers and free communications may be published in the congress book, if selected.)

  • Start date for registrations: June 1, 2024.

The submission of papers will be done through the following email: info@congresopsiperinatalidad.com

  • Deadline for registration for the Conference: February 17, 2025.

To submit Free Communications jobs and Poster jobs here.